James Darbishire 

to William Wood 

8 January 1790

fol. 57.  MS.  letter from James Darbishire, Bolton to William Wood, Leeds, 8 January 1790.


Revd Sir

         At the request of the Committee of correspondence for the district of Bolton I take leave to inform you, that a meeting of Delegates from 8 Congregations was yesterday held in this town.  As the 4th of Feb: next has been proposed for the meeting of the provincial delegates the committee wish to procure all the previous information which is necessary for the proper transaction of business.  They wish particularly to be informed, whether it has been determined in the west riding of Yorkshire at what time it will be most expedient to request the attendance of the several provincial delegates in London and whether these delegates will compose one body with the delegates from the Congregations in London or whether it is expected that the delegates from the Congregations in London will send deputies from their number to form a distinct assembly with the provincial delegates from the country.  As the London deputies are delegated by single congregations, they must exceed the provincial delegates in number.  If therefore they be united it is to be feared, that the influence of the provincial delegates will not be felt with all the weight, which it demands.  As we esteem it of the first importance, that the dissenters should act in concert, the Committee would take it as a favour, if you would inform them, whether it be intended that the Dissenters in the West Riding of Yorkshire should petition parliament and whether it be proposed to apply for support to the several members with whom they are connected.

                    I have the honour to be,

                                    Rev.d Sir, your obedient humble Servant

                                                    Jam:s Darbishire