1785 December 14

Caleb Evans to Sutcliff

Caleb Evans, Bristol, to [Samuel] Jackson, London, 14 December 1785.


Dear Sir,

I have only time to say that Mr Madgwicke hopes to be in town on Friday, & will endeavr to comply with yr request of preachg at Unicorn Yard while he remains in town. But return he must, & will, after a few weeks absence, as I have no authority at all to discharge him from his present obligations till the vacation, nor has he any desire to be releas’d from them. Four or five months, at the most, cannt be very material; but material or not, my young friend will not be at liberty sooner. I write thus fully on this point, to preclude any further application relative to it. With the sincerest good wishes for yourself & the whole church, I remain 

                                                      In haste,

                                                               Yrs sincerely &c

                                                                        C Evans

Text: Eng. MS. 861, f. 19, John Rylands University Library of Manchester. Samuel Jackson was a deacon in the Baptist meeting at Unicorn Yard, Southwark. William Madgwick[e] was, at that time, a student at Bristol Baptist College.