7 March 1822

William Wilberforce, Marden Park, Godstone, to John Ryland, Jr., Bristol, 7 March 1822.


My dear Sir

  A letter from you would be acceptable, were it only for the purpose of informing me how you are going on.  I can enter into the feelings you express for tho’ not quite your age, neither am I of a strong Constitution.  I return you many thanks for your Inclosure.  your worthy friend is not much of a political Economist, but I trust he is what is much better, & his benevolence manifests itself in his suggestions as well as his good humour.  A succession of Indispositions, which, though slight, required some attention have kept me from taking my seat during this Session – but am now on the point of going to Town for the purpose.  I trust you continue to receive good account from your Missionaries in India.  There is no part of the World to which I look with greater pleasure & more elevated hopes.  Cordially wishing you every temporal & spiritual blessing.

  I remain

  My dear Sir

  Your obliged & faithful Servt

  W Wilberforce


Revd Dr Ryland.

Text: Wilberforce-Ryland Letters, shelfmark MS. G97a, Bristol Baptist College Library, f. 11 (letter is not in Wilberforce’s hand).