John Pyne
John Pyne ministered to the Particular Baptist congregation at Shrewsbury from 1762-1773, after which he and a group of members succeeded from the church to form another Baptist congregation in Shrewsbury. Sutcliff briefly followed Pyne as minister to the former congregation in the summer of 1774 before he removed to Olney in 1775. Pyne assumed the pastorate of the Baptist church in Bewdley in 1781, remaining there until 1788, when he removed to Bristol due to a lack of financial support. See Haykin, One Heart, 64-65; Claremont Baptist Church, Shrewsbury (Shrewsbury: n.p., 1920), 7; A. J. Klaiber, “Baptists at Bewdley, 1649-1949,” Baptist Quarterly 13 (1949-1950), 120.