1808 November 14 

Ivimey to Sutcliff

Joseph Ivimey, London, to John Sutcliff, Olney, 14 November 1808.


London Novr 14. 1808


Dear Sir,

         I have nearly prepared the life of Bunyan I am disappointed in the painting you mentioned which is in the possession of Mr [Lanascar?] whose wife is a great-great-grand daughter of Mr B. I am much obliged for your friendly letter. Will you give Lawson leave to go to Bedford to ask a few questions for me and to consult the Church book. I have written to Mr Hilliard to ask permission but have not heard from him. I shall take it a great favour also could you ascertain for me the meaning of the following statement. About five years ago Mr Bull said to the late Mr Knight in a Hackney Coach when none were present that there was something respecting Mr Bunyan very interesting that had never yet appeared on account of some persons who were descended from his persecutors being alive but that it would soon be published. Did you ever hear any thing of this?  and if there be any manuscript can I get it for love or money?  

                                             I am Dear Sir

                                                               yrs respectfully.  

                                                                                 J. Ivimey


Was it Elstow or Edworth where Mr B. lived?  Where was he apprehended?  at Samsell or [Gansell?] or Eaton or Harrow? What day of the month was he baptized?  Are there any remains of the families of his persecutors?  named Cobb. Twisdom.  Huling  &c

Text: Eng. MS. 378, f. 1056a, JRULM. On back page Sutcliff has written:  “M.r Ivimey   Rec.d Nov. 15. 1808. Ans. — 25. —.” Joseph Ivimey (1773-1834) was the Baptist minister at Eagle Street, London, 1805-34.  His The Life of Mr. John Bunyan, Minister of the Gospel at Bedford; in which is Exemplified the Power of Evangelical Principles, appeared in 1809, printed in London for (among others) two Baptist booksellers, William Button and Samuel Bagster. John Lawson (1787-1825), after a period of study with Sutcliff in Olney and training in London as a miniature painter and engraver, served as a BMS missionary to India, 1812-25; Samuel Hillyard was the Independent minister at Bedford; the reference to Mr. Knight is most likely James Knight, Independent minister at Nightingale Lane, London.