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Nonconformist and Dissenting Studies, 1650-1850
Biographical Index, 1650-1850
Abbott, Thomas Fisher
Abraham, Thomas
Adam, William
Adams, Hannah
Adams, John
Adams, Mary
Adams, Sarah Flower
Addington, Stephen
Address on the State of Slavery in the West India Islands (1824)
Address to the People of Great Britain (1791)
African Civilization Society
Aikin, William
Aitchison, Rev.
Alexander, John
Allen, Hannah
Allen, William
Allport, F.
Alsop, Benjamin
Anderson, Christopher
Andover Independent Meeting
Andrews, James, William, and Joseph II
Andrews, Mary
Angas [Angus] Family, Newcastle
Angas, George Fife
Angus, Joseph
Angus, Margaret
Annseley, Samuel
Anstie, Mr.
Armitage, William
Arnold, Thomas of Leicester
Arnold, Thomas of Rugby
Arnsby Baptist Church History
Arundel, John
Ash [Hopkins], Elizabeth
Ash, John
Ashbridge, Elizabeth
Ashworth, Caleb
Ashworth, James
Ashworth, Richard
Aspland, Robert
Astley, Joseph
Atchison, Miss
Atlie, Mr.
Attwater, Anna Gay
Attwater [Blatch], Jane
Attwater [Head], Marianna
Attwater, Mary Drewitt
Attwater, Gay Thomas
Audley, John
Aveline, George
Avery, Elizabeth
Ayer [Ayre], John
Bagster, Samuel
Bagster, Samuel, Jr.
Bailey, Nathan
Baillie, Joanna
Bain, John
Baines, Edward
Baker, Charles
Baker, Moses
Baker, Thomas
Balch, Lewis
Baldwin, William
Balfour, Robert
Bamford, Charles
Bampton Baptists
Bampton Church Book-Excerpts 1766-92
Barbauld, Anna Leatitia
Barclay, George
Barnard, John
Barnard, Samuel
Barr, Martin
Barrett, William Garland
Barnes, William
Baron [Barron], Richard
Barton, George
Bashoo, Ram Ram
Bath Baptists
Baxter, George
Baxter, Richard
Bayley [Bailey], George
Baynes, Joseph
Beach, Abraham
Bealey, Joseph
Beatson, John
Beattie, James
Beaumont, Agnes
Beck, Thomas
Beddoes, Thomas
Beddome, Boswell
Beddome, John
Beddome, Benjamin
Beddy, Henry
Bedford Baptists
Bedfordshire Union
Belcher, Joseph
Bellamy, Joseph
Belsham, Thomas
Benecke, Wilhelm
Benger, Elizabeth
Bennett and Bogue
Berridge, John
Berry, Joseph
Bethesda Home, Savannah
Bevan, Joseph Gurney
Bicheno, James
Bicheno, James Ebenezer
Biddulph, Thomas Tregenna
Biggs, James
Biggs, Nathaniel
Biggs, Sarah Norton
Bingley and Yorkshire Baptists
Birley, George
Birrell, Charles Morton
Birt, Caleb Evans
Birt, Isaiah
Birt, Owen Johnson
Biss, John
Bissett, John
Blaby, Leicestershire,Baptists
Black, David
Blakely, Edward
Bland, Francis
Blaykling, Ann
Bloomfield, Robert
Blow, William
Blundel, Thomas
BMS Jubilee, 1842
Bonnycastle, John
Book Society, London Dissenters
Boosey, John
Booth, Abraham
Bostock, Dr. John
Boston, Thomas
Bosworth, Newton
Botsford, Edmund
Bow, London, Baptists
Bowden, Samuel
Bowen, Emmanuel
Bowyer, Robert
Brackenbury, Robert Carr
Bradburn, Samuel
Bradberry, David
Bradford-on-Avon Baptists
Bradford, Yorkshire, Baptists
Bradstreet, Anne
Braidwood, William
Brainerd, David
Brandam, Andrew
Bratton, Wiltshire, Baptists
Brewer, Samuel
Brice, William of Broughton
Brine, John
Bristol Education Society
Brock, William
Brook, Benjamin
Brookes, the slave ship
Brooksbank, Joseph
Broughton Baptists
Browns of Wigan
Brown, James Baldwin
Brown, John
Brown, Joseph
Brown, William of Wigan
Browne, Stephen Weaver
Brunsdon, Daniel
Bryan, Andrew
Bryan, Ann
Bryan, Mary
Buchanan, Walter
Bucks of Bury St. Edmunds
Bulkeley, William
Bull, William
Bumford, E.
Bunting, Jabez
Bunyan, John
Bunyan Meeting, Bedford, Church Book
Burchell, Thomas
Burder, George
Burdett, Sir Francis
Burditt, Thomas
Burdon, William
Burgess, James
Burgess, William
Burkitt, Thomas
Burls, William
Burn, Andrew
Burnham, Richard
Burnley, Lancashire, Baptists
Burn, Edward
Burton, Richard
Burton, William
Busk, Mary Margaret Blair
Butfield, William
Butler, William
Butterworth, Henry
Butterworth, John
Butterworth, Joseph
Button, William
Buxton, Hannah Gurney
Calamy, Edmund
Calcutta Tract and Book Society
Calne, Wiltshire, Baptists
Calvert, Elizabeth
Cambridge Benevolent Society
Cambridgeshire, Baptist Churches c. 1820
Cambridgeshire, Congregational Churches c. 1820
Campbell, John
Cappe, Catherine
Carey, Eustace
Carey, Jabez
Carey, Mary and Ann Carey Hobson
Carey, William
Carroll, Joseph
Carver, John
Cennick, John
Chamberlain, John
Chandler, Mary
Chaplin, William
Chaplin, William
Chapman, John
Charles Lane Baptist Church, Leicester
Chater, James
Chater, John
Chatteris, Thomas
Cheetam, Isaac
Chevalier, Thomas
China Mission, Baptist Missionary Society
Clare, Joseph
Clarendon Code
Clark, John
Clarke, Adam
Clarke, John
Clarke, Mary Were
Clarke, Samuel
Clarke, William
Clarkson, Catherine Buck
Clarkson, Gertrude
Clarkson, Thomas
Claypole, E. A.
Claypole, Thomas
Clayton, George
Clayton, John, Sr.
Clayton, John, Jr.
Clayton, Nicholas
Clegg, Arthur
Clipston Baptist Church
Clough, Benjamin
Coade, Eleanor
Coate Baptist Church, Oxfordshire
Coe, Mary
Coke, Thomas
Colchester Baptist Church
Cole, Charles
Cole, William
Colenutt, Henry
Coles, Thomas
Colgate, William
Collins, Luke
Collyer, William Bengo
Coltman, Elizabeth
Combe, Rebecca Clarkson
Common Hall Lane Baptists, Chester
Comstock, W. C.
Cooke, Stephen
Cooper, John
Coopers of Carter Lane, Southwark
Conder, Thomas
Copley, Esther
Cornford, Philip Henry
Cottle, Grace
Cottle, Joseph
Cottles of Bristol
Coulsen, Walter
Coultart, James
Countesthorpe Baptists. Leicestershire
Cowell, John
Cowper, Edward Shickle
Cowper, William
Cox, Francis Augustus
Cox, Joseph Mason
Coxhead, Benjamin
Crabb, Habakkuk
Crabbe, George
Crabtree, William
Crafton, William Bell
Cramp, John Mockett
Crassweller, Henry
Craven Baptists, Yorkshire
Creak, William
Crewkerne, Wiltshire, Baptists
Crisp, Thomas Steffe
Christall, Anne Batten
Crosby, Benjamin
Crosby, Thomas
Crouch, Anne
Crowther, Jonathan
Crowder, Samuel Ajayi
Cruden, William
Cruger, Henry
Curtis, William
Curwen, William
Cuttriss, William
Dale, David
Daniel, Ebenezer
Daniels, John
Darby, John
Darracott, Richard
Darton, William
David, Job
Davidson, James
Davidson, James (II)
Davies, John Jordan
Davis [Davy], Henry
Davis, James
Davis, Richard
Day, David
Daye, Eliza
Deacon, Rebekkah
Deakin, James
De Courcy, Richard
De Fleury, J.
De Fleury, Maria
Defoe, Daniel
Delahoy, Elizabeth Omer
Dendy, Walter
Dennis, Thomas
Dennys Family of Tiverton
Dent, Caroline and Elizabeth
Dent, Joseph
Dexter, Benjamin Bull
Devizes, Wiltshire, Baptists
Dickens, Willliam
Dilly, Edward and Charles
Dinwiddie, James
Driver, Joseph
Dobney, George
Dodd, Elizaberth, and Anne Dodd, Jr.
Doddridge, Philip
Dore, James
Dossett, Daniel
Douglass, James
Dove, BMS Ship
Dowdney, Dinah
Dracup, John
Drake, John
Duff, Alexander
Dun, Mr.
Dunscombe, Thomas
Dunsford, Martin and George
Dunton, John
Durrant, Timothy
Dutton, Anne
Dutton, Henry John
Dyer, George
Dyer, James
Dyer, John
Dyer, Samuel
Eaden, William
Eagle Street, London, Baptists
East, Timothy
East and North Riding, Yorkshire, Baptists
Eclectic Review
Eddowes, J.
Edminson, Robert
Edmonds, John
Edmonds, Thomas
Edwards, Jonathan
Edwards, Peter
Edwards, Richard
Ellis, Jonathan
Emmery, Jabez
Erskine, John
Equiano, Olaudah
Etheridge, Samuel
Evangelical Magazine
Evan [Evans], Edward
Evans, Caleb
Evans, Charles
Evans, David
Evans, Frederick Mullett
Evans, Hugh
Evans, James Harington
Evans, Jane Mullett
Evans, John, Foxton
Evans, John, London
Evans, Peter
Evans, Mrs. Peter
Evans, Sarah Jeffries
Evans, Sarah
Evans, Thomas Mullett
Ewing, Greville
Eyre, John
Eyres, William
Fanch, James
Fauntleroy, John
Faulkner, Robert
Favell, Samuel
Fawcett, John
Fawcett, Richard
Fellowes, Robert
Fellowes, John
Feltham, John
Fenn, John
Fenner, John Ludd
Fenner [Waugh], Mary
Fenwick, Eliza
Fernandez, Ignatius
Finch, Charles
Finch, James
Finch, Mrs. Sarah
Finch, Robert
Fisher, John and William
Fisher, Thomas
Fisher, William
Fishwick, Richard
Fitzhugh, Charles
Flaxman, John
Fletcher, Rev. of Burton-on-Trent
Fletcher, Eliza
Fletcher, Joseph
Fletcher, Josiah
Fletcher, Richard
Fletcher, Samuel
Flight, Bannister
Flight, Thomas
Flower, Benjamin
Flower, Eliza Gould
Flower, Richard
Flowerdew, Alice
Follett, John
Fordham, Edward King
Fordyce, James
Forsaith, Robert
Foster, Ebenezer
Foster, James
Foster, John
Foster, John (of Biggleswade)
Foster, William
Fountain, John
Fourdrinier, Henry, Sr.
Fownes, Joseph
Fox, Charles James
Fox, Joseph
Fox, William (attorney)
Fox, William (bookseller)
Fox, William, Sr. (merchant)
Fox, William, Jr. (writer)
Foxton, Leicestershire, Baptists
Francis, Benjamin
Francis, Ebenezer Joseph
Freeman, Joseph John
Freeman, Stephen
Freeth, John
French, John
Frome Baptists, Badcock Lane
Frome Baptists, Sheppard's Barton
Froud[e], Sarah
Froud[e], Mary
Fuller, Andrew
Fuller, Robert and Phillip Gunton
Fuller, Robert
Fuller, William
Furneaux, Philip
Fysh, Mary
Gainsborough, Thomas
Gale, John
Gamby, William
Gardner, Ebenezer and Sarah
Gardner, Isaac
Gaskell, Elizabeth
Gay, Elizabeth
Gay, Richard
Gay, Robert
Geard, John
Gentleman, Robert
Gibbs, Elizabeth Theodosia
Gibbs, Jane
Gilbert, Ann Taylor
Giles, Samuel
Gill, John
Gill, John (of St. Albans)
Gillard, Daniel
Goddard, Clarissa
Godden, Thomas
Godwin, Ann Hull
Godwin, William
Gotch, John
Gould, William
Grafton Street Baptists, London
Grant, William
Gravel Pit Unitarian Congregation
Gray, William
Greatheed, Samuel
Green Family (Baptists)
Green, James
Green, Samuel
Green, Thomas
Green Street Baptists, London
Greene, John
Greenwood, Abraham
Gregory, Olinthus
Grew, Mary Coltman
Griffith, John
Grigg, Joseph
Groser, William
Grundon [Grindon], Richard
Gunning, Henry
Gurney, Elizabeth
Gurney, John
Gurney, Joseph
Gurney, Martha
Gurney, Rebecca
Gurney, Thomas
Gurney, William
Gurney, William Brodie
Gutteridge, Joseph
Guy, William
Guyse, John
Gwennap, Joseph
Haddon, John
Hague, Mr.
Hague, William
Haines, George
Haldane, Catherine
Haldane, Robert
Hall, Robert
Hall, Robert, Sr.
Hall, Sarah Mullett
Hallett, Joseph III
Hanbury, Benjamin
Hands, Thomas
Hankey, William Alers
Hannan, James
Harjette, Thomas Lawrence
Harlow, Essex, Baptists (Fore Street)
Harmer, Thomas
Harries, Mary Wakeford
Harris, Benjamin
Harris, John
Harris, John Ryland
Harris, Joseph
Harris, Joseph [BMS Missionary]
Harris, Rees
Harrison, Joseph
Harrison, Susanna
Hart, Joseph
Hart, Joseph
Hartley, William
Harwood, James
Harwood, John
Harwood, William
Harvey Lane, Leicester, Baptists
Hastings, Baptists
Haweis, Thomas
Hawes, William
Hawkes, Matthew
Haworth, Yorkshire, Baptists
Hayne, Elizabeth Spurway
Hayne, Mrs.(Motcombe)
Hays, Mary
Haysey, Sybill
Hayward, Samuel
Head, George
Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire, Baptists
Heighton, William
Hemmings, John
Henderson, John Edward
Hervey, James
Hervey, Thomas
Hewett, Edward
Hewett, Edward
Hewlett, James P.
Hey, John
Heyrick, Elizabeth Coltman
Hill, Christopher
Hill, Hannah
Hill, Sir Richard
Hill, Rowland
Hillier, Richard
Hillyard, Samuel
Hindle, John
Hinton, James
Hinton, John Howard
Hirst, John
Hitchin, Edward
Hobsons of Kettering
Hoby, James
Hockliff, Bedfordshire. Baptists
Hogg, John, of Devon
Hogg, Reynold
Holden, William
Holland, John
Hollick, William
Hollis, Thomas
Honiton, Devon, Dissenting Chapel
Hood, W.
Hope Chapel, Manchester
Hope, H[arriet].
Hope, Samuel
Hope, William
Hopkin, Lewis
Hopkins, Joshua
Hopkins, Samuel
Hopper, Richard
Horne, Melville
Horne, Thomas Hartwell
Horsey, John
Horsey, Joseph
Horsley, Samuel, Anglican Bishop
Horton, Thomas
Houseman, Jane Adams
Hovell, Thomas
Howe[s], Mrs.
Howitt, Mary
Hughes, Grace
Hughes, John
Hughes, Joseph
Hughes, Mary
Hull, Yorkshire, Baptists
Hunt, William
Hunter, Joseph
Huntington, William
Hurry Family of Yarmouth
Husband's Bosworth, Leicestershire, Baptists
Hutchins, John
Hutton, Catherine
Hutton, Richard Holt
Illidge, Thomas Henry
Ind, Edward
Ingle, John
Innes, William
Isaacs and Pattissons of Witham
Isaacs, John
Ivimey [formerly Gratwick], Elizabeth
Ivimey, Joseph
Jacomb, Robert
Jackson, Alvery
Jackson, Mary Ludlow
Jackson, Samuel
James, Isaac
James, John
James, Samuel
Jameson, William
Jarman, John
Jay, William
Jebb, John
Jeeves, William
Jefferys, Thomas
Jellicoe, Adam
Jenkins, John
Jenkins, Joseph
Jennings, Frances
Jennings, Rev.
Jennings, Reginald
Johns, Evan
Johns, William
Johnson, John
Johnson, Joseph
Johnston, Sarah
Jones, Maurice
Jones, Ann and Margaret
Jones, Betty
Jones, John Gale
Jones, Mr. of Plymouth
Jones, David
Jones, Noah
Jones, William
Joyce, Joshua
Keach, Benjamin
Keely, George
Keene, Henry
Keene, Mary Winch
Keith, George
Kennion, Edward
Kenrick, John
Kent, John
Kent, Lucy
Kettering, Northamptonshire, Baptists
Kilham, Alexander
Kilpin, Samuel
Kimber, Isaac
King, John
King, Joseph
King, Thomas
King, William
Kingdon, John
Kingdon, John (BMS Missionary)
Kinghorn, Joseph
Kingsbridge, Devon, Baptists
Kippis, Andrew
Kirtland, Charles
Kitchener Family
Kitchin, Thomas
Kitching, Christopher
Knibb, Edward
Knibb, William
Knight, Anne
Knight, James
Knott Family
Knott, Thomas
Knowles, William
Lackington, James
Lacroix, Alphonse Francois
Lacy, John
Lambert, George
Lancaster, Joseph
Lance, George
Lanfear, Elizabeth Hays
Langdon, Thomas
Langford, William
Lardner, Nathaniel
La Trobe, Charles Ignatius
Lavington, John, Jr.
Lavington, John, Sr.
Law, John
Law, William
Lawrance, Hannah
Lawson, John
Layard, Henry
Leach, James
Lead, Jane
Le Breton, Philip
Lee, Richard “Citizen”
Leeds, Yorkshire, Baptists
Leland, John
Lepard, John Pelly
Lewin’s Mead, Bristol, Unitarian
Lewis, David
Lewis, Francis
Lewis, John
Lewis, Josiah
Lewis, Mary
Lewis, William Garrett
Life, Richard
Lime-Street Sermons
Lindeman, William
Lindsey, Theophilus
Linnell, John
Lister, David
Lister, James
Lister, Joseph
Little, Janet
Little Wild Street, London, Baptist Church
Livius, George
Llewelyn, Thomas
Lloyd, Gamaliel
Lloyd, Joseph
Loddige, Conrad & Sons
Lofft, Capel
London Baptist Education Society (1804)
London Institution for the Promotion of Literature and Useful Knowledge
Long Family of Salisbury
Longridge, Michael
Loughborough, Leicestershire, Baptist Church
Low, Edgar Anthony
Lowell, Samuel
Lucas, Samuel
Luccock, Samuel
Lymington, Baptists
Lyon, William
Macaulay, Catherine [née Sawbridge] [later Graham]
Mack, John
McKean, Capt.
Maclaurin, John
McLean, Archibald
Madan, Martin
Maddock, Abraham
Madge, Thomas
Madgwick[e], William
Maitland, Ebenezer Fuller
Major, Elizabeth
Mallett, Revd
Man, Henry
Manchester, Coldhouse Lane Baptist Church
Manfield, John James
Mann, Isaac
Manning, James
Manning, Thomas
Mapmakers, Baptist
March, John
Mardon, Richard
Mare Street, Hackney, Baptist Church
Marriott, John
Marryot, Thomas
Marsh, Thomas
Marshman, John Clark
Marshman, Joshua
Marsom, John
Martin, James
Martin, John
Martin, Thomas
Martineau, Harriet
Martineau, James
Mason, John
Mason, Dr. Joseph
Masters, Mary
Mather, Cotton
Mathews, James
Maurice, William
Mawman, Joseph
May, John
Mayhew, Experience
Mayle, Martin
Medley, Samuel
Medley, Samuel, Jr.
Medley, Sarah
Melksham, Wiltshire, Baptists
Merrick, Joseph
Miall, Daniel
Middleton, John
Millard, Benjamin
Millard, Jonathan
Miller, Rev. John
Miller, William
Mitchell, James
Mitford, Elizabeth
Moffatt, Robert
Moggridge, John, Esq.
Mohun Chund
Moore, William
Monk’s Kirby, Leicestershire, Baptists
Montgomery, James
Moral and Natural Inability
Morcom, Capt
More, Hannah
Morfitt, John
Morgan, Susanna
Morgan, Thomas Charles
Morgan, Thomas
Morris, John Webster
Morrison, Robert
Morse, Jedediah
Mosely, Robert,
Mosheim, Johann Lorenz von
Moule, Mary Mullett Evans
Mullett, Mary Ann Evans
Mullett, Thomas
Mulgrave, Earl,
Mumford, James
Musgrave, Peter (“Peet”)
Mutton [Motton], Richard
Nash, Frederick John,
Nash, William
Naylor, James
Neal, Daniel
Neale, Henrietta
Newman, Francis William
Newman, William
Newport, Isle of Wight, Baptists
Newton, Francis
Newton, James
Newton, John
Newton, Samuel
Nicholls, Lieut.-Col. Edward
Nichols, John
Nichols, William
Nicholson, J.
Nodin, John
Nore Mutiny
Northamptonshire Baptist Association
Norton, Hannah Evans
Norton, Robert
Nottage, John
Oadby, Leicestershire, Baptists
Occom, Samson
Offor, George
Okely, Francis
Osborne, Thomas
Osler, Thomas Clarkson
Otridge, William
Oughton, Samuel
Oulton, John
Overbury, Robert William
Owen, John
Page, Henry
Page, John, Esq.,
Paine, Thomas
Palmer, Christopher
Palmer, John
Palmer, Nathaniel
Palmer, Samuel
Palmer, Samuel
Palmer, Samuel
Palmer, Thomas,
Parken, Daniel
Parker, John
Pasham, John William
Parsons, George
Parsons, Edward
Parsons, Robert
Particular Baptist Fund
Patrick, Joseph
Payne, Alexander
Peacock, R. and Lucy
Pearce, Martha
Pearce, Samuel
Pearce, Sarah Hopkins
Pearce, William Hopkins
Pearson, Michael
Peggs, James
Peirce, James
Pengilly, Richard
Penny Family
Peterborough, General Baptist Church
Peto, Samuel Morton, M.P.
Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph
Phene, Nicholas
Philips, Katherine
Philips [Phillips], Henry
Phillippo, James Mursell
Phillips, Edward
Phillips, Jacob
Phillips, James
Phillips, James
Phillips, Sir Richard
Phillips, Thomas
Philpot, Stephen
Pickton, Thomas
Pike, John Deodatus Gregory
Pillin[g], Miss
Pine, William
Plumptre, James
Plymouth, George Street Baptist Church
Ponder, Nathaniel
Poole, Elizabeth
Porter, Thomas
Porter, Thomas
Porter, William
Portsea [Portsmouth] White’s Row Baptist Church
Portsmouth, Meeting-house Alley Baptist Church
Potter, Rachel
Powell, Thomas
Poynder, John
Prescot, Charles Kenrick
Price, Thomas
Price, William
Prichard, James Cowles
Priestley, Joseph
Priestley, Timothy
Prince, George K.
Pritchard, George
Proud, Joseph
Prust, Edmund Thornton
Pugsley, Nathaniel Knight
Pulteney, Richard, M.D.
Pyne, John
Quillinan, Edward
Raffles, Thomas
Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford
Ramsden, Richard
Randall, Edward
Ransford, Edward
Ransford, Thomas
Rational Christianity
Rawlings, Nathaniel
Ray, John Mead
Ray[e], Lucas
Read, David Charles
Red-Cross Street, London, Baptist and Independent
Reed, Andrew
Rees, Abraham
Rees, Josiah
Reid, Elizabeth Jesser
Reid, John
Reid, Mary
Religious Tract Society
Relly, James
Revoult, John
Reyner, Joseph
Reynolds, John
Rhees [Rhys], Morgan
Rice, David
Richards, William
Rickman, Thomas
Ridgway, James
Riland, John
Rippon, John
Roberts, R.
Roberts, Thomas
Robertson, George
Robertson, James
Robins, Thomas
Robinson, Edward
Robinson, Henry Crabb
Robinson, John
Robinson, Robert
Robinson, Thomas
Robinson, William
Rogers, John, Sr.
Rogers, John, Jr.
Rogers, Samuel
Rogers, William
Romaine, William
Romsey, Baptists
Roscoe, William
Rosenmueller, Ernst Fredrich Karl
Ross, John
Rossendale, Yorkshire, Baptists
Row, Thomas
Rowe, Elizabeth Singer
Rowe, John
Rowe, Joshua
Rowe, William H.
Rugby, Leicestershire, Baptist Church
Russell, Rachel Wriothesley, Lady
Rutt, Elizabeth
Rutt, John Towill
Rutt, Thomas
Ryland, Benjamin
Ryland, Frances Barrett
Ryland, Harriet Frances
Ryland, John Collett
Ryland, John, Jr.
Ryland, Jonathan Edwards
Ryland, Richard
Enriqueta Augustina Tennant Rylands
Saffery, Elizabeth Horsey
Saffery, John
Saffery, Maria Grace Andrews
Saffery, Phillip J.
Saffron Walden Baptist Church
Saker, Alfred
Salisbury, Brown Street Baptist Church
Salisbury Circulating Library
Salmon, Thomas
Sandys, John
Satchell, John
Saunders, Alexander
Saunders, Samuel
Saurin, Jacques
Savage, James
Savage, Sarah Henry
Sawyer Family, Newburyport, MA
Scamp, William
Scarlett, Nathaniel
Schimmelpenninck, Mary Anne
Scott, Elizabeth
Scott, James
Scott, John
Scott [Taylor], Mary
Scott, Mary Egerton
Scott, Russell
Scott, Thomas
Sedgwick, Daniel
Serampore Printing Office Fire
Severn, Benjamin
Shaen, William
Sharman, Edward
Sharp, John
Sharp, Sarah
Sharp, William, Sr.
Sharpe, Samuel
Shaw, Benjamin
Shaw, Samuel
Shaw, William
Sheepshed, Leicestershire, Baptist Church
Shepherd, John
Shepherd, Samuel, Esq
Sheppard, John
Sheraton, Thomas
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Sherring, Richard B.
Short, Charles
Shoveller, John
Shrewsbury, Thomas
Shrewton, Baptists
Sierra Leone Mission, Baptist Missionary Society
Simeon, Charles
Simmons, John
Simpson, Robert
Singh, Chait
Skinner, Thomas
Skinner, William
Smallshaw, John
Smith, Ann, of Liverpool
Smith, Francis
Smith, George
Smith, James
Smith, James
Smith, James
Smith, John
Smith, John
Smith, John, Lancashire
Smith, Opie
Smith, Sidney
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Thomas
Smith, William
Smith, Mrs. William
Smithers, Henry
Society for Promoting Female Education in China, India and the East
Soul, Joseph
Soule, Israel May
Southampton, Baptists
Sowle, Andrew
Sowle, Tace
Spence, Robert
Spencer, Thomas
Spilsbury, Maria Ann
Sprigg, William
Stanger, Jr., William Wright
Stapleton, Lucy Ryland
Steadman, William
Steane, Edward
Steele, Anne
Steele, Anne Cator
Steele, Clemence
Steele, Henry
Steele, Martha Goddard
Steele, Mary
Steep Lane, Yorkshire, Baptists
Steevens, Thomas
Stennett, Benjamin
Stennett, Joseph (I)
Stennett, Joseph (II)
Stennett, Joseph (III)
Stennett, Samuel
Stephens, William
Stettle, John
Stevens, John
Stevens, John
Stevens, Samuel
Stillman, Samuel
Stone, John Hurford
Stone, William
Stonhouse, James
Story, Thomas
Stuart, Charles
Stuart, Daniel
Studderd, John
Sturgeon, Thomas
Sturgis, Thomas
Summers, William
Sunday School movement
Sutcliff, John
Sutcliff, William
Sutton, Katherine
Sutton-in-Elms, Leicestershire, Baptist Church
Swain, Joseph
Swigle [Swiegle], Thomas Nicholas
Symonds, Henry Delahay
Symonds, Joshua
Symonds, Noah Delahay.
Tabernacle, Bristol
Talfourd, Thomas Noon
Tarn, William
Tayleur, William
Taylor, Charles
Taylor, Dan
Taylor, Henry
Taylor, Isaac (Baptist)
Taylor, Isaac (Independent)
Taylor, Isaac of Ongar
Taylor, Jane
Taylor, John Edward
Taylor, Mary Ann
Taylor, Thomas
Taylor, William
Tebbutt Family of Kettering
Terrill Fund, Bristol
Terry, Garnett
Terry, William
Thackeray, Frederic, M.D.
Thelwall, John
Thomas, James
Thomas, John
Thomas, Joshua
Thomas, Miss
Thomas, Samuel
Thomas, Thomas
Thomas, Timothy
Thompson, Josiah
Thompson, Thomas
Thrapston Baptist Church
Tidman, Arthur
Tillinghast, William E.
Timms, Elizabeth, and Joseph Timms
Tinson, Joshua
Titherington, J. B.
Tobin, Jane Mullett
Toller, Thomas
Tomkins, Anne Steele
Tomkins, Benjamin, Jr.
Tomkins, Joseph Sr.
Tomkins, Mary Steele
Tommas, John
Tooke, Horne
Toplady, Augustus
Totness, Devon, Independents
Tottlebank Baptist Church
Toulmin, Joshua
Towers, John
Towgood, Micaiah
Towle, Thomas
Townsend, George
Trapnel, Anna
Trapp, Henry
Trapp, Martha Lewis
Travers, Rebecca
Trelawny, Sir Harry
Tremlett, Thomas
Trestrail, Frederick
Trew, John McCannon
Trinder, Martha
Trinder, Thomas
Trotman, Nathaniel
Trotter, Alexander
Trowbridge, Wiltshire, Baptist Churches
Trowt, Thomas
Tucker, Francis
Tucker, Mr.
Tuppen, Thomas
Turner, Daniel
Turner, Dawson
Turner, James
Turner, John Thomas
Turner, Samuel Hulbeart
Tuthill Stairs, Newcastle, Baptist Church
Two Bills (1795)
Unitarian Fund
Ustick, Thomas
Varley, Cornelius
Vaughan, Robert Alfred
Vaughan, Samuel
Vernor, Thomas
Voigt, Rachel
Vowell, John, Sr.
Wade, Josiah
Wake, Thomas
Wakefield, Gilbert
Wakeford, Hannah Towgood
Wakeford, Mary Steele
Waldegrave, Thomas
Walgrave, Baptist meeting
Walker, George
Wallich, Nathaniel
Wallin, Benjamin
Wallis, Beeby
Wallis, Hannah
Wallises of Kettering
Walrond, John
Walrond, Mrs. John
Waltham Abbey, Baptists
Ward, Mr.
Ward, John
Ward, John
Ward, Nathaniel
Ward, Thomas
Ward, William
Wardlaw, Ralph
Warhurst, Caleb
Warne, Joshua
Warner, John
Watson, Richard
Watt, Dr. James
Watts, Isaac
Watts, Susanna
Wayland, Francis
Wayland, Levi,
Waymouth, Henry
Webb, Francis
Webb, Joseph
Webb, Thomas
Weeton, Ellen [‘Nelly’]
Weitbrecht, John James
Welford, Northamptonshire, Independent Church
Wellington, Somerset, Baptist and Independent Meetings
Welsh [Welch], Thomas
Wentworth, Anne
Wesley, Charles
Wesley, Susanna
West African Company of London
West, John
West, Stephen
Westbury, Eliza
Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, Baptist Church
Westley, Robert
Weymouth, Bank Buildings Baptist Church
Wheatley, Phillis
Wheaton, Henry
Wheeler, John
Whieldon, Thomas
Whitaker, Anna Jane
Whitaker, Anne Andrews
Whitaker, Caroline
Whitaker, George
Whitchurch Baptist Church
White, William
Whitefield, George and Bethesda Home
Whitewood, Thomas
Whitford, John
Whitmarsh, Jane
Wickenden, Joseph
Wickes, Capt. Benjamin
Wiffen, Jeremiah Holmes
Wilberforce, William
Wild, Robert
Wilderspin, Samuel
Wilkes, John
Wilkin, Simon Wilkin
Wilkins, Thomas
Wilkins, William
Wilks, John
Wilks, Mark
Wilks, Matthew
Willcocks, Thomas
Williams, Dafydd
Williams, David
Williams, Daniel
Williams, Edward [Iolo Morganwg]
Williams, Edward
Williams, Helen Maria
Williams, Richard
Williams, Robert
Williams, Sophia [Whitaker]
Williams, Thomas
Williams, William Rosser
Wills, Thomas
Wilson, John Broadley
Wilson, Thomas
Wilson, Walter
Wilson, William
Windeatts of Bridgetown
Winter, Robert
Winter, Thomas
Winterbotham, William
Wise, Dr. T. A.
Withers, Edward and Mary
Witherspoon, John
Wollstonecraft, Mary
Woodhouse Grove Seminary
Woodhouse, James
Woodman, Isaac
Woolley, Edward
Worcester Baptists
Worcester Presbyterians/Independents
Worth, Richard Moss
Wragg, Thomas and Ann
Wright, Mehetabel
Wright, Waller Rodwell
Wrightson, William
Wykes, Thomas
Wykes, William
Wyvill, Christopher
Yates, Catherine
Yates, James
Yates, William
Yorkshire Baptists
Yorkshire Baptist Association, 1787
Young, Mr.
Young, Edward
Test Acts Introduction
Report of the Repeal Committee 1787-88
1789-March 31-ProtestantDissentersChelmsford
1789-April 10-Wilberforce-RotherhamDissenters
1789-April 24-Wood-Wilberforce
1789-April 30-Wood-Wilberforce
1789-April 27-Wood-Wilberforce
1789-May 3-Wilberforce-Wood
1789-May 6-Duncombe-Wood
1789-May 6-Lord Sydney-Duncombe
1789-May 11-Duncombe-Wood
1789-May 16-Barnes-Wood
1789-May 22-Weekens-Wood
1789-May 25-Bright-LondonCommittee
1789-June 2-ProtestantDissentersDudley
1789-June 4-Wright-Wood
1789-June 9-ProtestantDissentersNewcastle
1789-June 24-ProtestantDissentersWorcester
1789-June 25-ProtestantDissentersAlfreton
1789-July 26-ProtestantDissentersLondon
1789-July 31-ProtestantDissentersGloucester
1789-August 12-Jeffries-ProvincialChairmen
1789-August 13-ProtestantDissentersLeeds
1789-August 24-Wood-Beaufoy
1789-August 24-Wood-Duncombe
1789-August 24-Wood-Hoghton
1789-August 25-Wood-Wilberforce
1789-September 5-Duncombe-Wood
1789-September 8-Wilberforce-Wood
1789-September 14-ProtestantDissentersDevizes
1789-September 23-ProtestantDissentersTaunton
1789-October 1-ProtestantDissentersExeter
1789-October 4-Beaufoy-Wood
1789-October 14-ProtestantDissentersDorchester
1789-October 14-ProtestantDissentersBirmingham
1789-November 11-ProtestantDissentersYork
1789-November 23-Wilberforce-Wood
1789-November 24-ProtestantDissentersNottingham
1789-November 26-ProtestantDissentersNorthampton
1789-December 1-ProtestantDissentersStowmarket
1790-December 8-PlanofUnion-Birmingham
1789-December 9-Wood-Beaufoy
1789-December 9-ProtestantDissentersLeicester
1789-December 9-ProtestantDissentersNottingham
1789-December 9-Walker-Wood
1789-December 10-ProtestantDissentersManchester
1789-December 17-ProtestantDissentersBolton-Le-Moors
1789-December 18-ProtestantDissentersLeeds
1789-December 21-Wyvill-Shore
1789-December 26-ProtestantDissentersBirmingham
1789-December 29-Holland-Wood
1789-December 30-ProtestantDissentersNottingham
1789-December 30-ProtestantDissentersWakefield
1789-December 30-ProtestantDissentersWakefield
1789-December 30-ProtestantDissentersWakefield
1789-January 2-Shore-Wyvill
1790-January 5-Walker-Wood
1790-January 6-ProtestantDissentersWarrington
1790-January 6-ProtestantDissentersLondon
1790-January 6-ProtestantDissentersManchester
1790-January 8-Darbishire-Wood
1790-January 13-ProtestantDissentersLeicester
1790-January 13/16-Jeffries-ProvincialChairmen
1790-January 13/19-ProtestantDissentersLeicester
1790-January 16-Walker-Wood
1790-January 20-Walker-Wood
1790-January 20-Heywood-Wood
1790-January 20-Moggridge-Wood
1790-January 24-Turner-Wood
1790-January 26-ProtestantDissentersWakefield
1790-January 27-ProtestantDissentersWorcester
1790-January 27/February 1-ProtestantDissentersChester
1790-January 28-ProtestantDissentersWakefield
1790-January 29-Darbishire-Wood
1790-January 29-Heywood-Wood
1790-January 30-JeffriesLondonCommittee
1790-February 2-ProtestantDissentersTrowbridge
1790-February 3-ProtestantDissentersManchester
1790-February 4-Martin-Wood
1790-February 4-ProtestantDissentersWarrington
1790-February 6-DialogueFarmerGentleman-Manchester
1790-February 9-Moggridge-Wood
1790-February 11-ProtestantDissentersTaunton
1790-February 15-ProtestantDissentersYork
1790-February 17-ProtestantDissentersGloucester
1790-February 18-Kenrick-Wood
1790-February 19-Tremlett-Wood
1790-February 20-Jeffries-Wood
1790-February 23-ProtestantDissentersBristol
1790-February 24-ProtestantDissentersNorthumberland
1790-February 27-Fletcher-Plumbe
1790-February 28-Turner-Walker
1790-March 1-Toulmin-Plumbe
1790-March 4-ProtestantDissentersLondon
1790-March 4-Plan of Union
1790-March 7-PrintedLetter-Bury
1790-March 22-Maurice/FletcherPrintedLetters
1790-April 21-ProtestantDissentersLeeds
1790-May 11-Jeffries-PrintedLetter
1790-May 11-ProtestantDissentersTrowbridge
1790-May 12-ProtestantDissentersPickering-Wood
1790-May 13-ProtestantDissentersDrWilliams'sLibrary
1790-May 15-Jeffries-Wood
1790-May 19-ProtestantDissentersLeeds
1790-May 20-ProtestantDissentersWarrington
1790-June 14-Heywood-Wood
1790-June 17-ProtestantDissentersNottingham
1790-August 25-ProtestantDissentersBristol
1790-November 11-Heywood-Wood
1791-February 24-ProtestantDissentersLondon/Counties
1791-February 25-Heywood-Wood
1791-1791March 2/April 8-ProtestantDissentersBirmingham/Trowbridge
1791-April 15-Moggridge-Wood
1791-June 8-ProtestantDissentersRotherham-WestRiding
1791-June 23-ProtestantDissentersBank-Top,Barnsley
1791-July 28-LettertoMorningChronicle/Wood
1791-August 15-LordPetre-Wood
1791-September 1-ProtestantDissentersWakefield
1791-September 1-Morgan-Wood
1791-November 21-Heywood-Wood
1792-February 1-ProtestantDissentersBirmingham
1792-March 28-Morgan-Wood
1792-May 9-ProtestantDissentersWorcester
1792-May 30-ProtestantDissentersLondon
1792-June 11-Moorhouse/Houghton-Wood
1792-June 14-Crabtree-Wood
1792-June 16-Kenrick-Wood
1792-June 17-Heywood-Wood
1792-June 18-Heywood-Wood
1792-June 19-Grove-Wood
1793-May 29-ProtestantDissentersLondon
1794-August 14-Heywood-Wood
1807 August 28
1807 November 19
1812 February 3
1812 June 2
1812 November 2
1814 January 10
1814 April 5
1814 December 8
1815 May 22
1815 July 7
1815 December 6
1816 June 29
1818 January 1
1818 February 7
1819 September 28
1819 October 16
1820 December 29
1821 March 26
1821 March 29
1821 April 10
1821 April 21
1822 March 7
1823 November 24
[c. 1823] December 20
[Undated] May 11
1824 August 10
Anderson, Christopher (1782-1852)
1805-July 19-Anderson-Sutcliff
1806-June 19-Anderson-Sutcliff
1812 (undated)-Anderson-Sutcliff
Ashworth, James (d. 1802)
1775-October 9-Ashworth-Sutcliff
Barclay, George (1774-1838)
1811-July 5-Barclay-Sutcliff
Barnard, Samuel
1806-February 5-S. Barnard-Sutcliff
Bicheno, James (1752-1831)
1813-October 23-Bicheno-Sutcliff
Boswell, James (1740-95)
1792-October 12-Boswell-Fawcett
Bosworth, Newton (1778-1848)
1821-October 25-Bosworth-Wiffen
1832-January 20-Bosworth-Brown
Brook, Benjamin (1776-1848)
1808-December 23-Brook-Sutcliff
1810-June 9-Brook-Sutcliff
William Bull (1738-1814)
1795-March 13-Bull-Sutcliff
1796-February 13--Bull-Sutcliff
Carey, Edmund
1811-March 28-EdmundCarey-Sutcliff
Carey, Eustace (1791-1855)
1812-August 19-EustaceCarey-Sutcliff
1812-October 30-EustaceCarey-Sutcliff
1812-December 18-EustaceCarey-Sutcliff
1813-September 25-EustaceCarey-Sutcliff
1814-February 22-EustaceCarey-Sutcliff
Carey, Mary (1765-1839)
1802-October 4-Mary Carey-Sutcliff
Carey, William (1761-1834)
1792-May 11-Carey-Sutcliff
1798-November 27-Carey-Hobson
1818-November 21-Carey-S.Hope
1820-January 29-Carey-Shepherd
1820-October 27-Carey-Shepherd
1825-November 17-Carey-Wallich
Chamberlain, John (1777-1821)
1801-October 24-Chamberlain-Sutcliff
1801-December 23-Chamberlain-Sutcliff
Cottle, Joseph (1770-1853)
1819-May 4-Cottle-Raffles
1823-May 29-Cottle-Raffles
Cox, Francis Augustus (1783-1853)
1806-February 20-Cox-Sutcliff
1810-March 13-Cox-Sutcliff
1819-August 30-Cox-Raffles
1827-January-Cox School Curriculum
Dutton, Anne (1692-1765)
1752-June 20-Dutton-Whitefield
Evans, Caleb (1737-91)
1775-June 30-CalebEvans-Sutcliff
1775-October 23-CalebEvans-Sutcliff
1785-December 14-C.Evans-Sutcliff
Evans, Hugh (1712-81)
1775-February 28-HughEvans-Sutcliff
Fawcett, John (1740-1817)
1773-May 29-Fawcett-Sutcliff
1775-April 10-Fawcett-Sutcliff
Fernandez, J. Ignatius (1757-1830)
1810-May 7-Fernandez-Sutcliff
Flower, Benjamin (1755-1829)
1797-October 23-Flower-Kilham
Fuller, Andrew (1754-1815)
1790-August 10-Fuller-Sutcliff
1791-January 7-Fuller-Ryland
1794-August 6-Fuller-Rippon
1794-August 30-Fuller-Sutcliff
1801-June 15-Fuller-Sutcliff
1804-May 1-Fuller-S.J.Button
1812-October 29-Fuller-Deakin
1814-October 27-Fuller-D.Sutcliff
Geard, John (1749-1838)
1773-July 5-Geard-Sutcliff
Gill, John (1697-1771)
1771-March 20-Gill-J. C. Ryland
Gill, John (d. 1809)
1794-December 29-Gill-Sutcliff
Greatheed, Samuel (d. 1823)
1798-October 30-Greatheed-Williams
1798-December 6-Greatheed-Sutcliff
Gregory, Olinthus (1774-1841)
1807-January 12-Gregory-?
1817-October 3-Gregory-Pettigrew
1837-April 20-Gregory-Raffles
Hall, Robert (1764-1831)
1811-May 25-Hall-Sutcliff
1817-March 12-Hall-Raffles
1817-March 31-Hall-Richard
1818-February 23-Hall-Bunting
1825-December 16-Hall-Saunders
1827-February 19-Hall-Hill
Harmer, Thomas (1714-88)
1774-March 7-Harmer-Thompson
Hartley, William (1740-1822)
1773-November 16-Hartley-Sutcliff
1779-September 14-Hartley-Sutcliff
Hinton, James (1761-1823)
1804-September 21-Hinton-Fawcett
Hughes, Joseph (1769-1833)
1798-February 26-Hughes-Sutcliff
1804-July 19-Hughes-Sutcliff
1827-May 7-Hughes-Raffles
1831-April 22-Hughes-Raffles
1833-July 31-Hughes-Littley
Ivimey, Joseph (1773-1834)
1808-November 14-Ivimey-Sutcliff
1819-December 19-Ivimey-Raffles
Jenkins, Joseph (1743-1819)
1777-March 19-Jenkins-Sutcliff
Kilpin, Samuel
1798-January 27-Kilpin-Sutcliff
Kinghorn, Joseph (1766-1832)
1811-March 26-Kinghorn-Sutcliff
1814-October 10-Kinghorn-Messrs. Duncan and Cochrane
1817-November 12-KinghornNote
Knibb, William (1803-45)
1829-December 10-W.Knibb-E.Knibb
1835-April 18-W.Knibb-E.Knibb
1835-November 18-Holder-Knibb
1836-September 13-Knibb-Raffles
Langdon, Thomas (1755-1824)
1790-June 17-Langdon-Sutcliff
1818-August 7-Langdon-Fawcett
LaTrobe, Charles Ignatius (1758-1836)
1793-June 26-LaTrobe-Rippon
Lawson, John (1787-1825)
1810-January 20-Lawson-Sutcliff
McLean, Archibald (1733-1812)
1795-June 10-McLean-Brown
Marshman, Joshua (1768-1837)
1812-March 12-Marshman-Ryland
1818-January 13-Marshman-Hope
1828-December 10-Marshman-Raffles
Medley, Samuel (1738-99)
1782-August 9-Medley-Dinwiddie
1792-December 22-Medley-Smallshaw
1799-March 4-Medley-Mrs.Wilson
Morris, John Webster (1763-1836)
1802-June 11-Morris-Sutcliff
1805-March 30-Morris-Sutcliff
1806-November 21-Morris-Sutcliff
Newman, William (1773-1835)
1808-September 21-Newman-Sutcliff
1813-November 27-Newman-Sutcliff
Newton, John (1725-1807)
1762-September-Newton to Warhurst
Pearce, Samuel (1766-99)
1796-April 20-Pearce-Etheridge
1798-July 12-Pearce-Summers
Richards, William (1749-1818)
1813-May 18-Richards-Sutcliff
Rippon, John (1751-1836)
1791-July 20-Rippon-Sutcliff
1802-February 12-Rippon-Sutcliff
Robinson, Robert (1735-90)
Rogers, William (1751-1824)
1796-February 27-Rogers-Williams
1799-July 3-Rogers-Button
Rowe, Joshua (1781-1822)
1804-January 3-Rowe-Sutcliff
Ryland, John Collett (1723-92)
1782-December 8-JCRyland-Charrier
Ryland, John, Jr. (1753-1825)
1774-November 12-Ryland-Sutcliff
1775-January 26-Ryland-Sutcliff
1790-December 10-Ryland-Sutcliff
1792-January 26-Ryland-Sutcliff
1792-March 7-Ryland-Sutcliff
1800-April 25-Ryland-Sutcliff
1805-January 23-Ryland-Sutcliff
1805-March 1-Ryland-Sutcliff
1809-December 22-Ryland-Sutcliff
1813-August 13-Ryland-Sutcliff
1819-January 6-Ryland-Kitching
1821-February 22-Ryland-Raffles
1823-September 12-Ryland-Sheppard
Steevens, Thomas (1745-1802)
1785-November 10-Steevens-Sutcliff
Steadman, William (1764-1837)
1794-January 4-Steadman-Sutcliff
1814-September 23-Steadman-D.Sutcliff
1816-February 16-Steadman-R.Fawcett
1816-September 5-Steadman-Raffles
1835-February 27-Steadman-Dinwiddie
Stennett, Joseph (1692-1758)
1741-June 1-Whitefield-Stennett
Sutcliff, John (1752-1814)
1813-March 19-Sutcliff-Bagster
Taylor, Charles (1756-1823)
1803-October 21-Taylor-Sutcliff
Taylor, Dan (1738-1816)
1777-February 21-Taylor-Fawcett
Tommas, John (1723/24-1800)
1757-November 27-Tommas-hisparents
Toulmin, Joshua (1740-1815)
1778-July 7-Toulmin-Fownes
1798-January 29-Toulmin-?
Towgood, Micaiah (1700-92)
1743-December 3-Towgood--Stennett
Turner, James (1726-80)
1774-August 25-Turner-Sutcliff
1779-October 10-Turner-Sutcliff
Ward, William (1769-1823)
1799-December 16-Ward-?
1819-August 5-Ward-Nelson
1820-April 12-Ward-Deakin
Wilks, Matthew (1746-1829)
1793-November 6-Wilks-Sutcliff
Nonconformist and Dissenting Studies, 1650-1850
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