1812 February
William Carey Invoice
A detailed invoice of goods received by William Carey in India by ship from England, entered (in Carey’s hand) February 1812.
Includes four boxes of printing type; also some cloth, millboards, books, magnifying glass, clocks, microscope, books from William Button (over £134), and other items. The total bill came to just over £515! Also received were 3000 copies of various unnamed pamphlets, along with 12 pairs of “cloggs” and one “Sunday Pair pattens—a present.” Carey adds this note: “also some few Books a present from D Lister Esqr let there be a Letter of acknowledgement for these this Friend has sent presents before, he has a great regard for the Mission.”[2]
Text: Eng. MS. 387, f. 20a, JRULM. The invoice is in Carey’s hand, with notes on some of the items. David Lister of Hackney contributed two guineas to the BMS in 1800-1801 and 1804-1805 (see Periodical Accounts, vol. 2, p. 205; vol. 3, p. 134).