Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at Manchester 

3 February 1790

fol. 72. A circular entitled Constitution against Innovation. Also a printed copy of the resolutions of the meeting of the clergy at the Hotel in Manchester, 3 February 1790, concerning their rejection of the validity of a repeal, signed by Edward Place, chairman. 

Attached to the above are three newspaper clippings from the Manchester paper concerning the meeting, which apparently was convened by the establishment, who would not allow Wakefield and Thomas Walker and others to speak, and who then published their own resolutions for and against the repeal. 




The real Friends of this Town and neighbourhood, Members of the ESTABLISHED CHURCH, and firm in the OLD CAUSE, have again an Opportunity of congratulating their FELLOW-CITIZENS (this Day) on the complete Overthrow of the


“Protestant Dissenters.”


And notwithstanding the legions of dissenting Congregations, headed by their respective pastors of this Town and Neighbourhood (who so indecently foisted themselves, uninvited, upon the Meeting) they were routed, and disappointed, in their marked virulence and restless Opposition to the good ORDER and CONSTITUTIONAL Proceedings of the Meeting, as well as to that Order, which ought ever to prevail in the State. 

        The Church of England for ever.


Manchester, 3d February, 1790.