Eustace Carey

Eustace Carey (1791-1855) was the son of Thomas Carey, William Carey’s brother. Eustace was baptized by John Ryland, Jr., in Northampton in 1809. He began his studies at John Sutcliff’s academy at Olney later that year. In 1812 he entered Bristol Academy and in February 1814 sailed for India. He settled in Calcutta, where he ministered to a small congregation and assisted in the work of the BMS mission. In 1815 relations between the Calcutta mission and the Serampore Mission began to deteriorate over issues that would eventually separate the latter mission from the BMS in 1827. As a result, Eustace Carey formed a separate missionary union at Calcutta, an action that seriously strained relations with his uncle and the other missionaries at Serampore. He was forced to leave Calcutta in 1824 due to poor health. He returned to England to serve as a deputation director for the BMS, publishing the first biography of William Carey for the BMS in 1836.