1741 June 1

Whitefield to Stennett

George Whitefield, London, to Joseph Stennett, London, 1 June 1741.


         Believing you are ready to every good word & work I am embolden’d to write this. My arrears upon the Orphan-house account at present are very large. In order to discharge them & prevent publick Collections for the future I am now getting annual Subscriptions to begin at Midsummer. Will you be pleasd to become a Subscriber, & use your interest among your Friends?  In so doing I believe you will please our Common Lord; & much oblige your very weak but affect: Brother & Servt in Xt



God has been with me in the Country & continues to be with me in London in an Extraordinary manner—help me to adore Free Grace.—

Text: MAM. PLP. 113.1.5, John Rylands University Library of Manchester.