Edward Jeffries 

to William Wood 

20 February 1790

fol. 86.  Edward Jeffries, London, to William Wood, Leeds,  20 February 1790.



        Tuesday the 2d of March being fixed as the day on which Mr Fox, is to move the house, respecting the Test Acts, we think it a matter of importance previously to obtain all the Information in our power regarding the Sentiments of the several members.

        You will then do us a singular favor by transmitting by return of post if possible, a List of the members for your County and Boroughs with the best Information you can obtain how they are expected to vote, if any are ill, or it may be supposed will be absent from any other cause, pray mention it.

                            I am Sir

                                        Yr humble Servant

                                                                Edw d Jeffries


Chairman of the Committee


Direct to me under cover to Wm Smith Esq M.P. London