1804 July 19 

Hughes to Sutcliff

Joseph Hughes, Battersea, London, to John Sutcliff, Olney, 19 July 1804.


Battersea   July 19, 1804


Dear Sir,

         I understand Mr Carey has opened a magnificent plan relative to the translation of the Scriptures into various languages.

         This idea is so coincident with the views of the Bible Society, that I cannot but wish for some information relative to it.

         Will you favour me with a few lines containing an Extract from Carey’s Letter, such as I may lay before the Committee. I wish for it by return of post that I may have ready next Monday—

                                             Yours affect.y

                                                               J Hughes



Be kind enough to direct your letter for me at Mr Button’s to be left till called for—

Text: Eng. MS. 346, f. 156, JRULM. Carey’s ambitious plan to translate the scriptures into several Eastern languages was the primary reason for Fuller’s fundraising trip to Scotland in the summer of 1805. Collections and donations received during that trip totaled £1298.9.10. See Periodical Accounts, 3: 146-50.