Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at Taunton
11 February 1790
fol. 82. A printed announcement for a meeting of the Dissenters at Taunton, for Somerset, on 11 February 1790, with William Hawker as chair and Joshua Toulmin as a delegate and secretary.
They have adopted the “Plan of Union and Representation” and are requesting a provincial meeting to be held at Bristol. Attached is a letter to Wood from Toulmin, who was chosen, along with John Willis and William Hawker, to be a delegate to the District meeting.
MS. letter from Joshua Toulmin at Taunton to Wood at Leeds, 14 February 1790:
Revd & Dear Sir
I have a sincere pleasure in being employed to transmit to you the preceeding Resolutions, especially as one of them is expressive of Respect & a sense of obligation we feel for the Ministers at Leeds & their peculiar exertions in the good cause which now, happily, unites together the Dissenters of different Sentiments & oft remote in situation from each other.
I beg my Respects to your Brethren at Leeds, to Mr Turner at Wakefield; & when an opportunity offers, with kind remembrances of past friendship, to Mr Marshall at Lidgit, my much esteemed old Fellow Pupil.
With every wish for the success of your active & judicious labours in the cause of religious liberty I am, Dr Sir, with Esteem
Your Sert & Bror
Joshua Toulmin
1790. Feby 14