Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at Gloucester 

17 February 1790

fol. 84. An announcement from Gloucester, 17 February 1790, concerning a meeting of Dissenters at Booth-Hall to discuss a proposal by Richard Bright of Bristol that a district should be formed with Bristol, Monmouth, Somerset and Wiltshire, and to meet at Bristol on February 23, Richard Chandler, Chairman; with attached letter from John Tremlett, Gloucester, to William Wood, Leeds, 19 February 1790.


They announce that they agree to the Plan of Union and Representation, proposed by the Birmingham Committee, and by Mr. Walker of Nottingham; and that they agree to unite with the other committees.  They also thank the Leeds Committee, for its recent letter to the Clergy of Leeds, and they wish for 500 copies of that letter to be printed in the county. 


Attached is a letter from John Tremlett, Gloucester, to William Wood, Leeds, 19 February 1790:


Dear Sir,

        We cannot transmit to you a Copy of our resolutions without returning you and our other Friends our warmest thanks for the masterly letter you have addressed to the Clergy of Leeds, by the general circulation of which we are persuaded that our important cause will be greatly promoted.

        I remain, Dr Sir, with sentiments of much respect, your Friend & Brother.

                                                                                                                        John Tremlett


Gloster 19th Feby 1790.