Thomas Hartwell Horne

Thomas Hartwell Horne (1780-1862) was a bibliographer, scholar, and prolific author. Horne was a lifelong resident of London. His first publication, A Brief View of the Necessity and Truth of the Christian Revelation, appeared in 1800, after which he joined the Methodists and became a bibliographer, primarily at the British Museum. He also served as a private clerk to Joseph Butterworth, M.P. for Coventry (1806-1809) and son of John Butterworth (1727-1803), Baptist minister at Coventry. Horne’s An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures (1818) went through eleven editions by 1860. He became a curate in the Anglican Church in 1819, and eventually served as Prebend of St. Paul’s Cathedral from 1831-1862. See DEB.