10 January 1814

William Wilberforce, London, to John Ryland, Jr., Baptist Academy, Bristol, 10 January 1814.


My dear Sir

  I am almost fearful lest I may be using an undue Liberty with [marked out name] in letting you see the Note I have this day receivd from him; but I send it for your perusal, trusting to your promising me (& if you promise I know you will perform) not to mention Ld [?--name marked out] name.  Tho I have no objection to your telling our common friends, that M.r Rowe would be recommended to the Duke of Manch.r by one of ye principal members of Government, in reliance on his prudence, sobriety & as well as the other requisite qualifications – You will return me Ld [?--name marked out] Letter – 

  I am ye rather induc’d to send you the inclosd because it will strengthen yr hands in contending for prudence in all yrpublications & proceedings – When we may as Christians encounter Opposition & even Persecution, then as Xtians let us meet them: But let us not call for the Opposition & Persecution by our own Imprudence, but remember how cautiously that Great Missionary St Paul, who was never supposed deficient in Zeal always endeavour’d to lull to rest the prejudices of weak Bigotted Men – I do most earnestly beg, that the Periodical Acc.ts may be carefully examind – I trust I need not assure you that I am not myself susceptible of any of these prejudices; but I am anxious for ye Success of our great Cause for ours it is, not merely yours, &  we Churchmen & we Baptists are here difft divisions of one common army formd for ye same purpose & headed I trust by one common Leader

  But I must break off

  assuring you that 

  I am with Esteem & 


  My dear Sir

  Yours sincerely

  W Wilberforce


Excuse extreme haste

Revd Dr Ryland



Mr Rowe should be warnd that ye Credit of men in high Stations as well as that of his friend is involvd in his Good Conduct – I told Ld [?--name marked out] that Mr Rowe had actually saild – 

Text:  Wilberforce-Ryland Letters, shelfmark MS. G97a, Bristol Baptist College Library, f. 5 (marked “private” at top of first page in Wilberforce’s hand).