John Revoult

John Revoult was listed in 1799 as an academician residing in Dean’s Row, Walworth (Holden’s [1799]: 595).  He also lived near Joseph Gurney in Keene’s Row, where the Revoults operated a school. The Revoults do not show up on the membership rolls of the Baptist meeting at Maze Pond, where Eliza attended when she was living with the Gurneys in 1797-98, but they most likely attended one of the Dissenting churches in Walworth.  Given the reference in the above letter to Mrs. Revoult in relation to Eliza’s work as a governess, it is likely that Mrs. Revoult was a teacher as well (possibly at the Maze Pond Charity School or in Mr. Revoult’s school) and may have been instrumental in getting Eliza her position with the Squires. She may also have been originally from Devon, for she was a friend and correspondent of Eliza Gould’s mother.