Robert Winter

Robert Winter (1762-1833) was the pastor of a Dissenting congregation at Hammersmith from 1783 to 1790, then became morning preacher at Salter’s-hall in 1790, and in 1796 became pastor at Hanover Street, Long Acre, where  he remained until 1803, at which time he resigned and removed to the Isle of Wight, where he stayed for two years.  He then   returned to London as the successor to Mr. Thorp at New-court, Carey-street, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, where he remained until his death.  Wilson says that “during his time the morning congregation at Salters’-Hall was very large and respectable” (2.62). [In the Bunhill Memorials, p. 331, Winter is listed as an Independent.]  Worthington published several sermons, among which are A Good Character better than a Great Fortune, May 28, 1775; two in 1778; A Funeral Sermon for the Rev. Francis Spilsbury, preached May 17, 1782; An Address at the Interment of the Rev. Thomas Toller, 1795.