1819 May 4 

Cottle to Raffles

Joseph Cottle, [Bristol], to Thomas Raffles, Liverpool, 4 May 1819.


Dear Sir:

         I send you one line to request if you see Mr. C. you will not speak to him on the subject I lately spoke to you concerning; nor indeed to any one else, as our intentions are somewhat altered.

         Pray accept the enclosed, as a small mark of respect, & believe me to be

                                                                                    Very sincerely yours,

                                                                                                   Joseph Cottle


May 4, 1819

Text: Eng. MS. 375, f. 470, JRULM. Joseph Cottle (1770-1853), Baptist layman in Bristol and publisher of Lyrical Ballads, by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in 1798. The "Mr. C." above is unidentified, but unlikely it is a reference to Coleridge.