James Knight

James Knight (1769-1851) began his ministry at the Independent congregation at Colliers Rents, Southwark, in 1791, succeeding John Rogers, and remained with that congregation until 1833. He became a tutor at Homerton Academy in 1800 and continued in that capacity for many years. He was formerly a member of the Independent church at the Weigh-house, and studied at Homerton Academy. Among his publications are The Utility of Seminaries for Religion and Learning:  With a View to the Christian Ministry . . . (1801); Christian Courtesy: A Sermon, Delivered at a Monthly Association of Congregational Ministers and Churches in Connexion with the Old College, Homerton, at Dr. Collyers’s Meeting House, Peckham, April 6, 1815 (1815); and Voluntary Subjection to God, the Genuine Liberty of a Rational Creature (1816). See Evangelical Magazine 2 (1794), 30.