1806 June 19 

Anderson to Sutcliff

Christopher Anderson, London, to John Sutcliff, Olney, 19 June 1806.


London 19.th June 1806


Much respected Brother

       I left Bristol with D.r Ryland on Tuesday at 12 oclock. He stopped that night to preach at Newburgh, and has arrived in Town this morning. I have been very kindly treated at Bristol indeed. I mentioned the Ed.n business—called on Friends there and have received about £150.—I intend preaching at M.r Booths two next L.ds Days, tho’ perhaps the D.r  will exchange next L.ds day and in that case I may be at Carter Lane in the afternoon. Is there any thing I can do for you while in London—I think of leaving on this day fortnight—in which case I may once more be indulged with the sight of my Olney Friends. I shall at all events spend that Sabbath with you. I suppose I must be at Wellingboro on the Monday Evening & with Bro Fuller on the Tuesday—I have never enjoyed his Company a single day together—and as he leaves Kettering the week following for Birmingham—I must be punctual.

         I have not heard yet whether you are to be at Birmingham on the 16 prox.o—But as Bro Fuller—Ryland—Page—Coles &c are to be there I suppose it is probable.

         Give my love to M.r Wilson—please to inform him of my being in Town—If his business should lead him to London on Monday week—we could return together on the Thursday or Friday.

         Could you oblige me by mentioning to M.r Fuller that I intend being at Kettering after seeing you, and if it is convenient may accompany him (on my way home) to Birmingham—as I intend being there while he is.

         Excuse my concluding. M.r & M.rs Burls kind respects. My Love to all Friends—and in prospect of seeing you soon &c     I am    My dear sir

                                             with much esteem

                                                               Your bro in ye L.d

                                                                                 Christ.r Anderson


M.rs Burls is rather poorly, and the child who has been so poorly some time, tho still ill is rather I believe recovering—


London 19 June

Text: Eng. MS. 369, f. 4, JRULM. On the back page is written in Sutcliff’s hand: “Rec. June 21, 1806. Ans.— 25.—.” The "Ed.n business" mentioned above is most likely a reference to Anderson’s involvement with the newly formed London Baptist Education Society (1804), which initially provided financial support for a select number of promising ministerial candidates each year. Anderson spoke at the 1809 meeting, which was followed the next year by the founding of Stepney College. The "Coles" mentioned above is William Coles (1735-1809), Andrew Fuller’s father-in-law and minister to the Baptist congregation at Maulden, Long Buckby, 1758-1805. Other references are to Williams Burls and his wife and child. See Baptist Magazine 1(1809), 342.