1799 July 3 

Rogers to Button

William Rogers, Philadelphia, to William Button, 24 Paternoster Row, London (“fav.d by Cap.t Tillinghast of the Ship Amiable”), 3 July 1799.  


Dear S.r

The 24.th ult.o I wrote to our common friend M.r Williams, begging him to call on you & enquire into the cause of Bunyan’s pilgrim &c not being sent me—from 6 to 8 Ships have lately arrived in our Port directly from London, & not a line even, from you or any others of my Correspondence—what can be the matter?

This goes by Cap.t Tillinghast of the Ship Amiable, a Gentleman with whom I am particularly acquainted & who on his return will take charge of any thing for me—I wrote to you by him Dec.r 7.th last—to which letter I beg leave to refer you—in that letter I solicited certain information &c—

Can you, or will you solicit D.r Rippon to send me his 2.d vol. of the Bapt. Reg.r to correspond with my 1.st, which is 1/2 bound with a red leather back. The 15.th n.o has my portrait—the D.r says a correct one—so say not, those who know me—M.rs Rogers & some of my female friends feel somewhat mortifyed—but it is all vanity!—My family now are thro’ mercy tolerably well, M.rs Rogers unites in Christian love to Self, M.rs Button, M.rWilliams &c—

                                             Affectionately your’s,                                                                                                        

                                                               W.m Rogers


Text: MS. Montagu d. 15, f. 252 (r. and v.), Bodleian Library, Oxford.