Thomas Steffe Crisp
Thomas Steffe Crisp (1788-1868) was originally from Suffolk. After taking his degree at Glasgow University in 1809, he ministered to the Independent congregations at Southwold, Suffolk (1810-1811), and at St. Ives, Huntingtonshire (1811-1818). He came to Broadmead and the Baptist Academy in June 1818, replacing Henry Page, who had resigned the previous year. Upon Robert Hall’s arrival as pastor at Broadmead in 1826, Crisp was appointed Principal of the academy and assistant pastor at Broadmead, positions he maintained until his death at the age of 80 in 1868. See C. Sidney Hall and Harry Mowvley, Tradition and Challenge: The Story of Broadmead Baptist Church, Bristol, from 1685 to 1991 (Bristol: Broadmead Baptist Church, 1991), 44, 54, 57, 62-63.