1790 February 9 

Moggridge to Wood

fol. 80.  MS. letter from John Hadden Moggridge, Bradford, to William Wood, Leeds, 9 February 1790.

Moggridge thanks Wood and is sending him their resolutions of the 2nd, and he notes they did approve of a the  national plan proposed by Birmingham.



        I have the pleasure to send you a copy of the resolutions ofthe Wiltre Committee at their last Meeting.  The plan of Union suggested by the Birmingham Committee was [greatfully] approved, but for want of time the particular consideration of it was obliged to be deferr’d till our next Meeting.   I shall be happy in the communication of any particulars respecting Protest Dissenters & I remain respectfully

                            Your Obedt Servt

                                            John Hadden Moggridge



Feby 9.  1790