1819 August 30 

Cox to Raffles

F. A. Cox, Upper Homerton, to Thomas Raffles at Mr. Bolton’s, Great George Street, Liverpool, 30 August 1819.


Upper Homerton

Aug.t 30. 1819


My dear Sir

         I avail myself of the opportunity of M.r Medley’s visit to Liverpool, to say, that after using every effort to make satisfactory arrangements for my own journey thither in October, my Academical as well as Ministerial claims are so considerable, that I cannot possibly accomplish my wishes, & am therefore compelled, though reluctantly, to decline the proposed services at your Chapel in October. At the same time I propose visiting Liverpool about Christmas & hope then to be able to obtain contributions for our meeting-house.

                                             I remain

                                                               My dear Sir

                                                                                 Yours most truly

                                                                                                            F. A. Cox

Text: Eng. MS. 375, f. 473c, JRULM. Reference above is to Samuel Medley, Jr., who was a member of Cox's congregation at Mare Street, Hackney. Medley's father, Samuel Medley, Sr., ministered at the Byrom Street Baptist chapel in Liverpool from c. 1772-99.