1811 March 26 

Kinghorn to Sutcliff

Joseph Kinghorn, Norwich, to John Sutcliff, Olney, 26 March 1811.


Dear Sir

         M.r Ryland of Biggleswade has called on me & told me of the situation of M.r Jo.s Patrick of Southhill;—he stated that he had been unpleasantly circumstanced & considered him as moveable, & asked me if I knew any situation hereabouts where he could keep a school & preach occasionally.

         I have long been on the look out for a minister for a small people at Aylsham 11 miles from hence. They are but low, but I think there is a good probability of a school, as Aylsham is a Market Town, and not provided with a good common School. But a good deal depends on the man, what think you of him in point of seriousnesssentiments—& talents?  I have made, & shall make, no application till I hear concerning him, & your free opinion will much oblige me.

         The Interest at Aylsham is a small one about 26 Members, their situation not rich.—They could not do more at present than raise ab.t £30 An.  I should not like to see them fall into the hands of a man who s.d drive his doctrinal opinions to the extreme sometimes witnessed, nor of one who for fear of that would keep on such general grounds that it would be hard to say what he did believe.  It is desirable that a feeble Interest should have some one, who would not sink it into contempt.  Your reply with your opinion on any circumstances of his case & character which you may think important, will be esteemed. Has he had any education—does he speak decently correct English?—

         I need make no apology to you for this trouble;— as it is for the Church of the Lord,—I know you esteem that a sufficient reason for intruding on your valuable time.

         May the Blessing of the Lord attend your labours in his cause,— I remain

                                             Dear Sir

                                                      Yours in the Gospel of X.t

                                                                                     Jo.s Kinghorn


Norwich   March 26. 1811

Text: Eng. MS. 379, f. 1152a, JRULM. On the back page Sutcliff has written: “Ans. April. 3. 1811.” Individuals mentioned above include Joseph Kinghorn (1766-1832), Baptist minister at St. Mary’s, Norwich, 1789-1832; Benjamin Ryland (d. 1832), Baptist layman formerly of London and Cambridge; and Joseph Patrick, Baptist minister at Southill (1804-11) and later (after 1812) at Fenny Stratford, Bucks.