1792 May 11

Carey to Sutcliff

William Carey, Leicester, to John Sutcliff, [Olney], 11 May 1792.


My dear Bro.r

I have sent you 25 Copies of my Enquiry. Accept one yourself—and sell as many as you can—I hope to see you as you go to the Association. We are well except my youngest Child which for this Fortnight has been at the point of Death with a [illegible word]—she is now some thing better—we have had Baptizing three Months successively—and have one proposed for the next—W.m Hind was among the last—he gave an acc.t of his experience much beyond my expectation—I send a letter from him with this—which you will take care of

                                       Yours Affectionately

                                                         W. Carey


Leicest.r May 11. 1792.


NB my resp.ts to all friends shall be glad if you will present one to my Brother Smith when you see him with my love—and tell him of our Health &c

Text: Eng. MS. 374, f. 361a, John Rylands University Library of Manchester. The Northamptonshire Baptist Association meeting was held from 29-31 May 1792 at Nottingham. Ryland wrote the circular letter, titled Godly Zeal Described and Recommended, and Carey preached his famous sermon on missions that led to the formation that October of the Baptist Missionary Society. Shortly before the May meeting, Carey had published his famous discourse, An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens (1792).