Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at Warrington 

4 February 1790

fol. 81.  A printed announcement for a meeting of “Deputies from the Congregations of Protestant Dissenters” at Warrington, for the counties of Lancaster and Chester, on 4 February 1790, with Thomas Cooper in the chair.


Other ministers include Yates, Smith, Lewin, Chidlow, Bealey and Holland. They note in one of the resolutions that “we desire our Delegate to join the Committee in London without any unnecessary delay, and to lose no time in waiting upon those Members of the House of Commons” to whom the proper constituents apply.  They too have announced that they support the National Union plan.  “We rejoice to behold the manly spirit which has taken possession of our Dissenting Brethren in every part of England, and that, although divided in some religious opinions, we are united in asserting the claims of Conscience, and in seeking the restitution of our Rights: and, whilst we venerate the liberality of those Members of the established Church who have expressed themselves friendly to our cause, we cannot but entreat Dissenters to make every candid allowance for the misconceptions of those who are standing forth in opposition to us; and to use every means in their power to rectify their mistakes, and to enlarge their views.”