John Pemberton Heywood to William Wood 

14 August 1794

Unnumbered folio (c). MS. letter from J. P. Heywood, North Circuit, to William Wood, Leeds, 14 August 1794.


Dear Sir,

        I did not, by some accident, get the annual Address of the Deputies for the Repeal of the Test Act till after I was in York and then the Secretary only sent me one Copy.  It seemed to me that the best mode of circulating it into the notice of my Constituents was to put it in the York Paper – where it will make its appearance on Saturday in the York Herald – to which I beg to refer you lest by accident you should not see it.   Perhaps it might be well to put it into Bowlings Leeds paper but that I leave to you.  I hope you will approve of it & think that in these unsure times we show firmness & moderation equally distant from Jacobinism and the Courtly Terror of the Day.

                                I am Dear Sir

                                        with much esteem

                                                        Your very obedt Servt

                                                                            J. P. Heywood 14. 1794

North Circuit