Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at Birmingham 

14 October 1789

fol. 36.  A printed announcement of the resolutions from a “Meeting of Deputies from the seven Congregations of the three Denominations of Dissenters, in Birmingham, held at the Hotel, in Birmingham,” 14  October 1789, William Russell, Esq., chairman; also a printed letter sent to Wood by Russell, 15 October 1789.


This district included Derby, Salop, Stafford, Worcester, Warwick, Northampton, Leicester, Rutland, Lincoln, and Nottingham.  Besides the usual resolutions, thanking various people and committees, etc., they passed some “general” resolutions too: XII.  “That English Citizens, of every description, are indiscriminately entitled to the privileges of British subjects.” XIII.  “That Protestant Dissenters as such, have not forfeited their claims to any of the Privileges of British subjects.” XIV.  “That Protestant Dissenters, have for a series of years been unjustly deprived of many of the usual privileges and general benefits of citizens.” XV.  “That it is their duty to petition the Legislature in a body for redress of their grievances, and to continue their applications until their civil rights be restored, and until all penal statutes in matters of religion be repealed.”


[A copy of this announcement can also be found in the William Smith Papers, University of Kansas, MS Q11:10:1.]