John Pemberton Heywood to William Wood 

18 June 1792

fol. 121 (e).  MS. letter from J. P. Heywood, Lincolns Inn, to William Wood, Leeds, 18 June 1792.


Dear Sir

        I have only just time before the post goes to enclose you two Addresses one to the People of Birmingham the other to the Dissenters in General – the latter you will please to lay before our Constituents   I hope next winter when our powers are properly enlarged we shall be able to take into Consideration several important questions relating to the Civil Rights of the Dissenters.

          I have the Honor to be

                                    Dear Sir

                                                Your very faithful Servt

                                                                    J. P. Heywood


Novr 21. 1791

Linc. Inn


Attached to this letter is a MS. in Heywood’s hand of a list of names linked to locations:


Northumberland                      Dr. Turnbull   

Durham                                      Dr. Blackburne

Yorkshire 2.                               J. P. Heywood     Wm Buck Esqr

Lancashire                                 Saml Heywood Esqr

Cheshire                                     Richard Sharpe Esqr

Nottinghamshire                      Dr Towers

Derbyshire                                 Tuffin Esqr

Warwickshire                            Michael Dodson

Staffordshire                             Josiah Wedgwood Esqr

Worcestershire                         Thomas Richards Esqr

Gloucestershire                         Revd Dr Davis

Monmouthshire                        Mr Saml Toulmin

Somersetshire                           Mr Francis Kemble

Wiltshire                                    John Towgood Esqr

Devonshire                                Benjn Vaughan Esqr

Cornwall                                    Wm Vaughan Esqr

Hampshire                                Mr Moggridge

Lincolnshire                             James West Esqr

Leicestershire                           Dr Kippis

Rutlandshire                            Mr Lovewell

Northamptonshire                  Jas Gibson Esqr

Shropshire                                Mr Wm Sharpe

North Wales                             Revd Mr Emick[?]

Hertfordshire                          Wm Smith Esqr

Bedfordshire                           Revd Mr Belsham

Bucks                                        Mr Wainwright

Norfolk                                     Robt Alderson Esqr

Cambridgeshire                     J. H. Hone Esqr


Another list is headed by Heywood-- “Have not made returns”:














South Wales