Thomas Lawrence Harjette

Thomas Lawrence Harjette was a printer in London, initially at Burlington Arcade, Piccadilly (1821), and then at 29 Bedford Street, Covent Garden (1822-1828). He was listed as Harjette and Savil, 107 St. Martin’s Lane, Charing Cross, 1828-1832, and closed his printing career at 10 Craven Buildings, Drury Lane in 1843. Most likely he was a Baptist, for among his list of printed works (1822-1843) are circular letters of the Essex Baptist Association, sermons by Baptist ministers (at least one by Isaac Mann), and the 8th, 9th, and 10th Annual Report of the Baptist Society for Promoting the Gospel in Ireland (1822-1824). He also printed pamphlets for the American Colonization Society (involving Liberia), the first five volumes of the British Magazine, as well as an edition of the writings of George Washington. See William B. Todd, A Directory of Printers and Others in Allied Trade, London and Vicinity 1800-1840 (London: Printing Historical Society, 1972), 90.