George Walker 

to William Wood 

20 January 1790

fol. 61.  MS. letter from George Walker, Nottingham, to William Wood, Leeds, 20 January 1790.


Dr Sr,

         By a Ltr from Mr Russel, I find that two other Resolutions have been omitted.  The Papers were committed to me at leaving Leicester, but as they were on separate slips, some were slipped away, and I could only print from what I had.

        Resolved, That it is a subject proper for the discussion of the National Meeting, with whom shall be confided our application to Parlt for the redress of our grievances, and whether the application shall be by Motion or Petition; and that it will not become any Particular Body of Dissenters to anticipate the National Meeting in the determination of these important questions.

        Resolved, That it be recommended to the District Committee to be particularly attentive to the maturing and perfecting the Plan of permanent and representative Union, which is already adopted by so great a part of the kingdom, and that they use every means in their power to procure the accession of those bodies of Dissenters, who have not yet concurred in a plan of so much wisdom and utility.

        Pray send me yr Leeds paper containing the Protest of the Clergy, by Saml Smith Esqr M.P.   I should like to answer it.

                                        Yrs affectly

                                                        G Walker