John Pemberton Heywood to William Wood 

14 June 1790

fol. 105.  MS. letter from J. P. Heywood, Lincoln’s Inn, to William Wood, Leeds, 14 June 1790.


Dear Sir

        On Saturday I received the favor of your letter of the 10th Instt acquainting me of the honor done to me in electing me the representative of the Dissenters of the County of York to attend the General Committee in London –  The reposing such a Trust in me I cannot but consider as a very flattering compliment – I accept it with chearfulness & will do the duties of it with as much zeal & fidelity as any man & with as much ability as I am possessed of hoping for a more fortunate issue in the approaching new Parl.t

        At the same time that I request you to return my thanks to the Gentlemen to whom I am indebted for the Honor confirmed upon me give me leave to acknowledge to you individually how much I am indebted to you for the very polite Terms in which you have been pleased to convey the same to me.

        Though it is my fortune to have it cast upon me as a duty to trouble you with an Address somewhat in Terms similar to those with which you are <  > a few days will be saturated it is dissimilar in this that from them all viz that the writer is sincere in what he says and particularly in declaring that I am

                    Dear Sir

                            Most respectfully

                                        and Sincerely yours

                                                        J. P. Heywood


June 14. 1790

Lincolns Inn


I leave London on Wednesday to attend the Election at Newark from thence to Hale Liverpool &c so that it is probable I shall see you before I get settled again  – The Dissenters all over the south are behaving nobly I hope to be able to say as much of you in the North – They will carry Suffolk and I hope Hampshire & Kent –