Susanna Watts

Susanna Watts (1768-1842) is best known today for A Walk through Leicester (1804); she also published several volumes of poems, including Original Poems, and Translations (1802), The Selector (1823), and Hymns and Poems (1842). Watts, writing to Mary Ann Coltman (Elizabeth Heyrick’s sister) on 17 October 1837, asks, ‘Pray have you seen Dr. Carey’s Life? It is written by his nephew, Eustace. I do so long to see it! The shoemaker of Leicester becoming the great Eastern linguist and the true disciple of Christ! What a man! Your dear father and mother knew him well’.  In a footnote, Catherine Hutton Beale adds, ‘And had had shoes mended by him’. See Catherine Hutton Beale, Memorials of the Old Meeting House  and Burial Ground, Birmingham (Birmingham, 1882), 223.