1798 January 29 


Joshua Toulmin, Taunton, to unknown correspondent, 29 January 1798.


Dear Sir

Your polite Favour, enclosing a Bank post Bill for Mrs Morris, to the amount of Five Pounds, was delivered last Night, after ten oclock.

This circumstance, together with the fatigue of three services, which I always very sensibly feel, will be admitted as an apology for my not acknowledging the receipt of it by this mornings post.

I beg the Trustees for the distribution of the Profits of the Evangelical Magazine to accept my thanks for their kindness to Mrs Morris, & their handsome attention to my Suit on her behalf.

I think myself obliged & honoured by “the Sentiments of personal regard” with which you favour me: and can not but consider this as expressive of your candour & liberality of mind; giving you a claim on my esteem & gratitude. I am

                                                      Revd Sir,

                                                               Your obedt h’ble Sert:

                                                                             Joshua Toulmin

Taunton. 29 Jany: 1798


Eng. MS. 344, f. 70, John Rylands University Library of Manchester. Mrs. Morris was possibly the wife of  Thomas Morris, a printer and bookseller in Taunton (see Universal British Directory, 4: 588).