Lime-Street Sermons 

Lime-Street Sermons on Important Doctrines of the Gospel was published in London in 1732. These lectures were delivered weekly between November 12, 1730, and April 8, 1731, with the speakers drawn from Calvinistic ministers among various Particular Baptist and Independent congregations in London, including Robert Bragge, Abraham Taylor, John Sladen, Peter Goodwin, John Hurrion, Thomas Bradbury, Samuel Wilson, Thomas Hall, and John Gill. Samuel Wilson (1703-50) was pastor of the Baptist congregation in Goodman’s Fields (Little Prescot Street) (1724-50), and Thomas Bradbury (1677-1759) served as the Independent minister at New Street, Fetter Lane (1707-28) and New Court, Tollington Park, London (1728-59). Wilson’s contributions were two sermons on The Doctrine of Efficacious Grace Asserted and Bradbury’s were three sermons on The Sufferings of Christ. When Andrew Fuller tallied all the books in his library in 1798, he listed one volume of sermons by Bradbury, most likely The Mystery of Godliness, considered in Sixty-One Sermons (1773), and one volume by Wilson, Scripture Manual: or, a Plain Representation of the Ordinance of Baptism (1769).