Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at Warrington, 

6 January 1790

fol. 52.  The printed resolutions of the meeting of the committee for Warrington, 6 January 1790, Samuel Gaskell, chairman, with MS. note by Gaskell to Wood at the end informing him that he has sent these resolutions.


Among the resolutions the committee notes that the logic the Established church was using against the Dissenters was “void of any rational foundation, and which would justify the exclusion of Christians in Pagan and Mahometan Countries, of Protestants in Roman Catholic Countries, and of the Members of the Church of England in every Country, except England, Ireland and their immediate dependencies; we flatter ourselves that many of our more liberal Brethren in the Establishment will join with us in opposing a Principle, which, in other Countries, would exclude themselves from all civil and military employments.” 



        Agreeable to the above Resolutions I have the Honour to send you a Copy of them.  I am Sr

                        your Very obt Servt

                                    Samuel Gaskell


Warrington <  >