Edward Jeffries 

to William Wood 

15 May 1790

fol. 103.  MS. letter from Edward Jeffries, St. Thomas’s Hospital, to William Wood, Leeds, 15 May 1790, informing him of the London Committee’s resolutions and the creation of a standing committee to proceed with a national meeting and national organization.



        The Committee having agreed on the enclosed address, I am desired to transmit the same to the Chairmen of the several districts; it will appear in the London papers Monday the 17th & it is wished to be published in all the country papers.

        The general body of deputies met last Thursday to receive the report of the Committee & to determine on the plan for a standing committee, both which were agreed to & they will be printed & circulated as soon as possible, when measures must be adopted to carry the plan into execution; Tho’ the 1st of June is there mentioned, it must be extended to a more distant time, at least till a sufficient number are announced to form the body.  I was willing to give this information to a few principal places, before a general distribution can take place.

        I have the honor to be respectfully,

                                    Your most obedt Servt

                                                                    Edwd Jeffries