William H. Rowe
William H. Rowe (1777-1817) was a member of the Baptist church in Brown Street, Salisbury, Rowe attended at Bristol Academy; he was ordained at Redruth in 1803. He itinerated in Cornwall for many years, and was greatly interested in the India missions, naming his son after William Carey. He died in 1817. His final pastorate was at Weymouth, Dorsetshire. A letter from Rowe to his friend, John Saffery, 24 August 1799, written shortly after his arrival as a student at Bristol and Saffery’s marriage to Maria Grace Andrews, can be found in the Reeves Collection, R/11/14, Angus Library, Regent’s Park College, Oxford. See also Baptist Magazine 9 (1817): 186; 10 (1818): 1-9.