Rev. John Miller

Rev. John Miller (1787-1858) was a friend of both Wordsworth and HCR. He attended St. Paul’s School and in 1804 let for Worcester College, Oxford (BA 1808, MA 1811), remaining as a Fellow there from 1810 to 1823. He was Bampton Lecturer in 1817, then Vicar of Bockleton, Worcester, prior to his death in 1864. He was an established theologian and a life-long friend of Keble. Among his publications is Two Sermons Preached in the Parish Church of Bockleton: On Sexagesima Sunday, February 15, and Sunday, March 1, 1857, Being the Sunday Before the Death, and that Next After the Burial of the Rev. Thomas Elton Miller (1857) (sermon about his brother).  Thomas Elton Miller (1783-1857) left St Paul’s School in 1801 and graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge in 1805; he received his M.A. in 1809. Another brother, John Kirkman Miller (1785-1855), left St. Paul’s in 1803, later becoming Vicar of Walkeringham, Nottinghamshire, in 1819. All were sons of Peter Miller (1746-1824) of Bockleton, Worcester.