1823 September 12 Ryland to Sheppard

John Ryland, Clifton, near Bristol, to John Sheppard, Frome, 12 September 1823.


My dear Sir

         You wd really oblige me greatly, if you would favor us with a Sermon on Lord’s Day Ev. next. If you will return with me to tea, after the L. S. you shall have my study to yourself. All the prime of tomorrow morning will be occupied by my attendance on the funeral of a person unknown. I shall have to preach in the aftn and to administer the L. S.  2y Your Compliance will very much oblige myself and our friends, especially if you can let me know tomorrow that you will not refuse my request. I am                 

                                             Dear Sir

                                                               Your’s respectfully

                                                                                 John Ryland

Text: Eng. MS. 861, f. 46, JRULM. John Sheppard (1785-1879) was a Baptist writer and lay preacher from Frome, Somerset.