Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at Manchester 

6 January 1790

fol. 54.  The printed resolutions of the meeting of the committee “appointed by the General Body of Protestant Dissenting Ministers, of the Three Denominations, in the Counties of Lancaster and Chester,” held at  Manchester, 6 January 1790, Thomas Barnes, chairman.


Among the resolutions is “That from the late astonishing Revolutions, which have taken Place in different Parts of Europe, and particularly in France, we joyfully hope, that the Cause of Liberty, Civil, and Religious, is rapidly advancing: And we adore the Divine Providence, which is diffusing, in a Manner so unexpected and unparalleled, that Spirit which will, we doubt not, in the end promote the Cause of genuine and scriptural Christianity.” They also approve the Plan of Union, and circulating tracts among the clergy in an attempt to enlighten them concerning their positions.