1798 January 27

Kilpin to Sutcliff

Samuel Kilpin, Bedford, to John Sutcliff, Olney, 27 January 1798.


Dear Sir

I intend being at Olney God willing on Wednesday next on my Road to Newport and if agreeable will preach in the Eveng   I expect that some of my Cousins from Newport will meet me at Olney & if they do I must return with them to Newport that Night. The People at Ridgmount have given me an Invitation to settle amongst them but I dont see any prospect of being happy I wish to consult with you on the Business.

Father & Mother desire their respects to yourself & Mrs Sutcliff.  I am quite well though weary  & subscribe myself

                                                                        Yr fd

                                                                             S Kilpin

Bedford   Jany 27. 1798.

Text : Eng. MS. 370, f. 72, John Rylands University Library of Manchester. Samuel Kilpin was a student at Bristol Baptist College and later minister of the Baptist congregation at Church Street, Exeter.