1835 November 18 

Holder to Knibb

W. Holder, Police Office, Falmouth, to William Knibb, [Falmouth], 18 November 1835.


Police Office Falmouth

18 Nov 1835



         Your communication of the 11th Instant to the [illegible word] the Custos & Magistrates of this Parish “requesting the loan of the Court House for 2 or 3 weeks near the Christmas Holidays for the purpose of meeting your congregation” having been submitted to the Sitting Magistrate this day, I am desired to acquaint you that such permission has been granted for the following Sabbaths—namely the Sunday before Christmas Day—the Sunday after Christmas Day and the Sunday after New Year’s Day.  I remain, Sir,

                                                               Your obed Svt

                                                                                 W. Holder


To the Revd W Knibb


Text: Eng. MS. 387, f. 131, JRULM.