1802 February 12 

Rippon to Sutcliff

John Rippon, London, to John Sutcliff, Olney, 12 February 1802.


Feb 12. 1802


My dear Sir,

         As you expressed yourself, in two difft conversations, well pleased with ye design of ye arrangement of Dr Watts I wanted to print your name, tho’ you had not seen ye book, one other brother also was in ye same condition—I now request your acceptance of a Copy.

         We have some in 24mo —same letter & paper. An edition, longer letter will be out, beging of next month   I hope 3/6 £ in calf & bettr paper 4 or 4/6 £—

         7 Copies of any sent for 6 Copies. I have sent 2 doz Selecs to India, this day, by order of Mr Fuller to Mr Burles—you sometime since mentioned 2 doz of Watts for India—but I have not sent them, lest that order might have been altered, as it was given long since; but they shall be sent whenever you receive yr order.

         I have recd an host of handsome letters concerng ye arrangement—I wish it may please you.

                                                                                 Yr affectt bror & svt

                                                                                               J Rippon

Text: Eng. MS. 383, f. 1710, JRULM. On the back page Sutcliff has written, “Rec. Feb. 16, 1802. Ans.d May 20. [1802].” References above to Andrew Fuller, William Burls, Isaac Watts's  An Arrangement of the Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts . . . Including (what no other volume contains) All his Hymns . . . now Collated with Each of the Doctor’s Own Editions: To Which are Subjoined, Indexes, very much Enlarged, both of Scriptures and of Subjects . . . (1802) (printed by William Button), and Rippon's A Selection of Hymns; From the Best Authors, Intended to be an Appendix to Dr. Watt’s Psalms and Hymns (1801).