Benjamin Tomkins, Jr.
Benjamin Tomkins, Jr. (dates not known) was most likely from Abingdon. He may have come to London with his father, for there are two Benjamin Tomkins in the Maze Pond Church Book in the 1780s. Tomkins became a prominent Baptist layman at Maze Pond and served as an officer for the Particular Baptist Fund for many years. It was in his home that Anne Steele Tomkins’s daughter, Mary, lived during part of her time at Mrs. Sarah Norton Biggs’s boarding school in Peckham, where he moved c. 1803 (about the time Biggs began her school and Tomkins was dismissed from the Maze Pond congregation). See ‘Documents relating to the Particular Baptist Fund, 1767-1806’, MSS. II. a. 10, Congregational Library, Dr. Williams’s Library, London.