Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith, after ministering to the Baptist church at Shipston-on-Stour, Worcestershire, pastored the Baptist congregation at Tiverton, 1807-1812. While at Tiverton, he commenced the Baptist Magazine in 1809, which eventually led to his removal to London in 1812, where he continued for some time as editor of the Magazine. His interest in the BMS and missions in general was reflected in The History and Origin of the Missionary Societies: Containing Faithful Accounts of the Voyages, Travels, Labours, and Successes of the Various Missionaries who have been sent out, for the Purpose of Evangelizing the Heathen, and Other Unenlightened Nations, in Different Parts of the Habitable Globe (London: Printed for Thomas Kelly & Richard Evans by Charles Baynes, 1824-1825).