George Burder

George Burder (1752-1832) served as the Independent minister at Coventry (1783-1803), becoming a leader in the Sunday School movement at that time and assisting in the founding of the London Missionary Society (1795), the Religious Tract Society (1799), and the British and Foreign Bible Society (1804). He moved to Islington in 1803 to become secretary of the London Missionary Society, a post he held until 1827. During this time he ministered to the Independent congregation at Fetter Lane, London. He authored several works of note during the last quarter of the eighteenth century, including Early Piety, or, Memoirs of Children Eminently Serious Interspersed with Familiar Dialogues, Emblematical Pictures, Prayers, Graces, and Hymns (1776), A Collection of Hymns, from Various Authors, Intended as a Supplement to Dr. Watts's Hymns and Imitation of the Psalms (1784), and his most famous work, Village Sermons; Or ... Plain and Short Discourses on the Principal Doctrines of the Gospel; Intended for the Use of Families, Sunday Schools, or Companies Assembled for Religious Instruction in Country Villages (7 vols, 1798).