1825 November 17 

Carey to Wallich

William Carey to Mr. Wallich, 17 November 1825.


My Dear Wallich,

        It is possible the expressions in my minutes may be too strong, and it is not to be supposed that Major Campbell will retract his. I wish to see you, but must return to Serampore this afternoon, as I am to be at [Bankura?] to morrow morning early. I have engaged to drive in town on Friday. If therefore you could [come?] up on that day I shall be at liberty from Two Oclock till Six, and we could talk over the whole.

                                    I am, My Dear Wallich

                                                      Affy yours

                                                                        W Carey

Text: Eng. MS. 861, f. 12, JRULM. Dr. Nathaniel Wallich (1786-1854) was an English botanist and horticulturalist working Calcutta, India, 1807-42.